Marketing the Book

12 Free Ways to Promote Your Book

If you are an author, one of the most important tasks you have after writing your book is promoting your book. After all, if people don’t know about it, how can they buy it? The good news is that there are many free ways to promote your book without spending any money on advertising or marketing campaigns. In this post, we will share ten different strategies for promoting your book-most of which involve social media!

1. Create a Facebook page for your book.
girl sitting at table with laptop with loaded facebook page

You can do this by creating a Facebook Business Page. You can create multiple pages for different books or series you have written. Make sure to fill in all the sections, including adding images and links in at least two other places where readers can purchase your book if they are interested. Then, when people visit your page, make it easy for them to find out more about you and your book.

Include a link to buy the book on Amazon or your website in your Facebook page’s “About” section. You can also add a “Book Now” button to your Facebook page that will direct people right to your book’s product page on Amazon.

2. Share your book on social media sites like Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram.

You can share your book on social media sites by adding it to boards related to your book’s content. For example, if you write a book about cooking or baking, create boards with names like “recipes” or “baking tips.” This will help readers find your books and inspire them to buy.

You can also share the links on social media sites relevant to what is in your book. For instance, if you have written a cookbook, share the link on cooking-related websites and Facebook groups. This will help you reach a larger audience who may be interested in your book. In addition, make sure to use relevant hashtags when sharing your book on social media sites like Twitter and Instagram. This will help people find your posts and potentially lead them to buy your book.

For example, if you write a book about healthy living, use the hashtag #healthyliving when sharing your book on social media. This will help people interested in health and wellness find your book.

3. Set up a blog to share new information about the book.

Create a blog to share new information about your book. This could include book excerpts, interviews with the author, or recipes inspired by the book. You can also post videos and photos related to the book. Make sure to add a link to your blog on your Facebook page and share it on social media sites like Twitter and Instagram. This will help people interested in your book learn more about it and could lead them to buy.

Note: You can set up a blog for free using WordPress (which we use). If you don’t know how to do this, speak with your webmaster or contact us. We would be happy to help!

In addition, make sure that the website associated with your book has a blog or a place where people can sign up to receive updates. Include the link on your Facebook page and social media sites so that you can reach new readers who may be interested in your book!

4. Find people interested in your topic or genre and ask them to review it .

Reach out to people interested in your topic or genre and ask them if they would like an advance review copy. Then, ask them to post a review on Amazon after reading your book. This is another great way to build buzz around your book, reach new readers interested in what you write about, and help people find out more information about the topic or genre it covers!

5. Ask friends and family members if they would be willing to help you promote by posting links on their Facebook pages or sharing with their email lists.

Ask friends and family members if they would be willing to post links on their Facebook walls or share with people interested in the topic. You can also ask them to email their friends and family members about your book.

Online shopping
6. Encourage friends and family to pre-order the book on Amazon or other book-selling sites.

Encourage friends and family members to pre-order your book. Pre-orders are essential because they help increase the initial sales numbers of a new book, determining whether or not it is deemed “popular” on Amazon (which means more people will be able to find it). This could also result in increased visibility for your title, leading to even more sales.

You can also encourage friends and family members who already have the book in their possession to post on social media sites about it, rate it five stars, or leave a positive review. This will help show potential readers that other people are enjoying your work! Note: Amazon representatives have told us that this will not affect your book’s sales rank.

In addition, you can encourage people to download the free Kindle app and search for your book’s title to help increase early exposure. Then, if they are interested in what they read, it could lead them to buy a copy!

Woman sits with laptop on urban park bench. Freelancer at work. Blogger writes an article.
7. Write an article that discusses what you learned while writing your book, then post it on LinkedIn.

If you have written a book about something that your LinkedIn network can benefit from, write an article that shares what you learned while writing it. Post the article on LinkedIn and encourage members to share it with others in their networks so they too can learn more about the subject matter.

8. Make an author website with information about you and your work.

Create a website for yourself to share information about you, your interests, and your past work. Include information and links to your book(s). You can also post a short excerpt from your book, which could lead interested readers to purchase it!

9. Create an author account to showcase your books on book-focused sites like Goodreads and BookBub.

This will help people learn more about what you write, see what others are saying about your work, and potentially connect with other readers who may be interested in purchasing a copy!

Multiethnic group of three young people enjoying online communication, using free wi-fi on generic t
10. Join or create a group on Goodreads.

Goodreads is a site where people can share what they are reading, post reviews of books, and connect with others who enjoy similar things. It’s also possible to create groups based on topics or interests. If your book is related to something that other users might be interested in (or if it just happens to fall into the same genre as a popular book), you can ask if they would be interested in reading it and even offer them an advance reader copy. This could lead to increased sales!

If your work is related to something that people may want to discuss (such as business or technology), consider creating a Goodreads group where others can post questions. You can offer your insight and advice. This is a great way to showcase your expertise, connect with potential customers, and build relationships with others in your field!

You could also join an existing group on Goodreads related to your book’s topic. If it’s well-run, there’s a good chance that members will be interested in what you have to say!

Desk with writing supplies, coffee, books and gifts
11. Send out free copies of your book to bloggers, reviewers, and influencers.

When your book is ready for release, send out free copies to bloggers, reviewers, and other people who have a large audience and could potentially help promote your work. If they like what they read, there’s a good chance that they will write about it on their blog or social media page. Again, this could generate interest and exposure for your book.

If you can’t think of any bloggers, reviewers, or influencers who would be interested in reviewing your work, check out Reedsy’s database. You can search by genre and location to find people who are a good fit! However, if the group is not related to writing (and your book doesn’t share any commonalities), you may be better off reaching out to people on social media.

If your work is related in a way that could potentially interest the group members, consider offering them an advance reader copy (ARC) of your book as well! If they like what they read and feel compelled enough to write about it, they may share the information with their followers. If a group member decides to write about your book on their blog (and it looks like you have provided an ARC), ensure that they include a link back to your website so readers can purchase copies for themselves!

New blog post.
12. Write guest posts on other blogs related to your topic or genre of writing.

Consider writing guest posts on other blogs related to your topic or genre of writing. This is a great way to reach an audience that may not be familiar with your work, and it can also help increase traffic to your website. In addition, if the blog owner features your post on their social media page, it can generate interest for the book and lead to increased sales.

If you have a blog of your own, featuring guest posts from other writers is another way to promote their work. This will likely result in additional traffic to both websites. If someone on your site mentions one of their books or links to it, be sure to let them know so they can share it on their social media pages as well!

There are many ways to promote your book without spending money. By utilizing some (or all) of the methods listed in this post, you can reach a wider audience and generate interest in your work. We hope these ideas will help you successfully market your book!

Have any of these methods helped you promote your book? Do you have any additional methods you’d like to share? Let us know in the comments below.

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