Marketing the Book

How to Write a Book Blurb That Sells: 10 Things You Need to Know

Do you want to write a book blurb that sells?  It’s not as hard as it might seem.  All you need is a few simple questions and answers about your book and then some catchy phrases.  Not sure where to start?  This blog post will cover the 10 things you need to know before writing your next book blurb.  Think of the answers to these 10 questions to make a blurb that sells your book.

Student reading an interesting book in the children's room. The

1. What makes this story unique, engaging, or interesting?

To write a book blurb that sells, you need to know what makes the story unique.  Why should someone read it?  Make sure this shines through when writing your blurb.

What makes a story great?  There are many things that go into this, but one of the most important is being able to connect with the reader.  The best stories have characters that feel like someone you know in real life and situations that could happen to any of us.  These types of stories are often called “universal.”

It’s not just about what happens in your story, though.  It can be about how it’s told as well. For example, stories, where people talk directly to each other are usually more engaging than those where they don’t speak at all or only think about their feelings.  And some authors use techniques like foreshadowing or flashbacks to make readers wonder what will happen next or remember something from earlier on in the book.  So how does your story stand out from all the rest?  What makes a reader want to turn pages instead of scroll through Netflix?  Once you complete this step, you will have a good idea of what makes your book unique and interesting.


2. Who will benefit from reading this story (i.e., who is the target audience)?

Who is your book audience?  Make sure you know who will be interested in reading it so that you can market the blurb to them.

It’s important to know who you want to read your book before writing a blurb that sells it.  This is because you’ll need to write the blurb geared towards them and market it this way.  If you don’t know your target audience, then there’s no way to write them into the blurb.

The more specific you are with this part of the process, the better chance you can reach readers who want to buy your book.  More than likely, it won’t be everyone in general, but a particular group of people.  Think about your book and the people who would like it most, then think of how you could describe it to make someone else want to read it too.

3. Why should someone read my story instead of other books on the same topic/genre?

Every story is unique, but this doesn’t mean that it’s the only one of its kind.  There are many other books on any given topic, and readers will want to know why yours should be picked over those others.

What makes your story stand out?  What sets it apart from all the rest?  Why would a reader choose your book over the dozens of other books on this topic?

If you can’t answer these questions, then it will be much harder to sell your story.  Without knowing what makes your book different than every other one out there, how would a reader know why they should read yours instead of the others?  You must show readers that despite many similar stories existing, yours is the one they should read.

Interesting story

4. How does my story appeal to readers?

Make sure your story appeals to readers by including what draws them in.  Is it the characters?  The plotline?  Or something else entirely?

There are so many different things that can draw a reader in, but the most important thing is to be aware of what it is.  What do readers want?  What will they look for when browsing through an e-store or bookstore?  If you know this, then it’s much easier to bring readers into your story and keep them interested until the very end.

5. What is the one-sentence synopsis of my story?

What’s the most important part of your story?  How would you describe it to someone who has never read anything about it before?  This is where everything comes together.  You’ve thought out all the different parts of writing a blurb, and now it’s time to put them into one sentence that sums up what readers can expect from reading your book.

Readers may only read the blurb of a book if they’re browsing through their favorite bookstore, so it’s important that you catch their attention here.  If your one-sentence synopsis doesn’t draw them in and make them want to learn more about your story, then there’s no way for readers to continue reading.

Chapter one of story

6. What is the main theme of my story?

What is your story about?  What messages does it send to readers, and what do you want them to learn from reading it?

Every book has a main theme.  It’s the biggest message or idea throughout all its pages, so make sure yours stands out as well.  If this isn’t apparent in your blurb, it will be harder for readers to know what they can expect from your story.

It’s important that you let potential readers know about the messages of your book, so make sure this is communicated clearly in the blurb. For example, a reader might never bother reading a book if its theme doesn’t align with their values or interests, so being able to express this in your blurb is crucial.

You should also include the setting of your story here since it’s another major part that can’t be left out when talking about a book.  Whether you’re writing steampunk fiction or dystopian young adult, each genre has its own unique feel and atmosphere, which needs to be captured correctly for readers to feel immersed in the narration.

And don’t forget about the characters!  Readers are almost always interested in learning more about them, so including this aspect of your book can help pull them further into its pages.  Think carefully about what information you want to share here and how much detail should be included before deciding whether it will be part of your blurb.

Since the blurb is such a short and condensed piece, it’s important that you include only information that matters most to readers.  That way, they can get an idea about what they’re in for if they choose to continue reading instead of moving on to another book.

7. What’s unique about my main character?

What makes your main character different than every other protagonist in the book world?  What sets them apart from characters readers are used to seeing on their screens and paperbacks?  If you want readers to love or hate your character, then it’s important that they’re able to discern this within the blurb. Without knowing what separates them from everyone else, readers won’t be able to fully connect with the character and their story.

Including what your protagonist is going through or how they got into this situation can give a bit of context as well. Again, this will help build up readers’ curiosity before revealing why your main character needs saving from whatever bad thing has happened to them.

Victorious female person on mountain top.

8. What’s a common problem that my main character must overcome?  

Every protagonist faces obstacles in their story.  They’re what make the journey to its final page so impactful, and readers need to know that there’s something big happening if they want to feel invested in your book. If you don’t include this aspect of writing a blurb, it will be difficult for potential readers to tell why they should care about your story.

You can also include events or actions that might lead to this problem, but again only if they’re relatable to readers in some way.  If you want the blurb of your book to be engaging and interesting, then it’s important that you make these elements clear, so people know what journey they’ll go on if they choose to read your book.

Every story is different, so you’ll need to think about this carefully before deciding what kind of blurb would be most effective for it.  Things like character development and the lessons learned throughout are important aspects that should also be included in any good blurb.

It’s not always straightforward when writing a blurb that will sell a book, which is why many authors choose to hire someone who’s an expert at this. If you want your story to be successful and find its perfect audience, then it’s important that the blurb of your book reflects this too.

Businessman climbing the steps to success

9. What’s the one thing that must happen for my main character to achieve success?  

Every protagonist has a moment of triumph, so this is an important part to include in your book blurb. If you want people to feel intrigued about reading the entire story, then they must know that something big happens for it all to come together at the end.  Without including this aspect or hinting toward it within your blurb, then readers will have no idea why your book is worth their time.

Only include this aspect if you’re comfortable revealing it within the blurb itself since spoilers are something you’ll want to avoid. That way, potential readers can be surprised by what happens in the story when they finally get around to reading it.  Including an interesting or unique approach to the story is also another thing you’ll want to highlight in your blurb.

This can help set it apart from other books out there or intrigue readers enough, so they know that something special is waiting for them within your book’s pages.

Creative, confident and convincing

10: What’s the best way to convince readers that they should read this story now?  

Ending your blurb with a statement of urgency is an effective way to convince readers that they need to read your book immediately. You want something that will make them feel like the time spent reading it would be worth their while, and this approach can do just that. It’s also another technique for getting people interested in what happens next, which is important if you want to make sure your blurb gets people hooked.

Getting this right can be challenging, but it’s something that every author should try their best at doing since it will go a long way in helping them sell more books. Every story has its own unique qualities that should come across within the written word somewhere, and it’s up to you as an author to find new and interesting ways of highlighting them.

Making this part stand out is one way of doing that, but only if it makes sense for the story itself. So, however you choose to approach your blurb, be sure that something is compelling about every element within it so people know exactly why they should read it.

If you answer these ten questions when writing your blurb, you can be sure that your blurb will sell more books.

Writing a book is challenging enough, which is why many authors choose to hire someone skilled at writing blurbs.  Writing a blurb requires an individual with the ability to think about what people want from a story and then highlight those elements within a written description of their book.  It’s not always easy to do, but anyone can learn how to write a book blurb that sells with enough practice.

We hope you enjoyed this article on how to write a book blurb that sells!  Do you have any tried-and-true methods that you’ve used to write your blurbs?  Let us know in the comments below.

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