Indie Author
Miscellaneous Ramblings

Welcome to Indie Author 101

So, you want to be an Indie Author. It’s all the hype these days. Many content creators on social media are ranting and raving about how easy it is and how much money you can make. If it’s so easy, why does it feel so out of reach for the unpublished writer and seems almost impossible to do? The truth is, everything feels that way until you take the first step. It can be very overwhelming at first. But, with the proper direction, you will find yourself at the indie author’s table in no time.

Luckily, this website is designed to take those of you, who have only dreamed of self-publishing, and convert you into believers by showing how easy it can be to publish and release your own books, time and time again. We are past the times of publishing houses dominating the literary market. Now anyone can capitalize on their writing abilities. Before, the world was not as connected as it is today, and most of that thanks goes to the internet. People can share their thoughts with anyone in the world, anywhere, and at any time. Authors have the freedom to share their stories outside their own territories and have them translated into any language. The obstacles of the past are just that, a thing of the past.

indie vs traditional

You may be curious to know the difference between an indie and a traditional author. To keep it simple, an indie author chooses to independently create and release their work, whereas a traditional author will seek publishing from a traditional company. Publishing companies receive numerous piles of manuscripts, and yours can easily be overlooked. It usually takes a good networking connection for yours to make its way to the top of the pile or onto an editor’s desk anytime soon. Once you send your manuscript to the publishing house, you wait anxiously for the “make-it-or-break-it” response, which can be discouraging if it’s not accepted. A lot of hard work, blood, sweat, and tears go into writing those chapters. Your book deserves its recognition, even if it isn’t considered a bestseller.

Writing isn’t always about the money for everyone, but it sure helps to get paid for your time and talent. Sure, indie authors may have to invest their own money for book releases, and there is no fancy sign-on bonus, but at least you are not in debt to a publishing company after your book sales begin to take off. Indie authors are passionate, and the likes of that passion fuel their careers. I say this because when you are genuinely passionate about something, you will go to any lengths to see the fruits of your labor to fruition.

There is no limit to the creativity of an author. With that being said, the internet provides limitless opportunities for exposure. Seek out the channel that best caters to your audience, and that may even put a little extra money in your pocket to help launch your book onto the shelves. Promoting your publications and marketing yourself as an author is vital to the blood of an indie author’s career. It is what will keep your career alive and spring you to new heights within the industry.

As the Socratic Paradox states, “A wise man knows that he knows nothing,” the same is true for writers. There should always be room for improvement in any skillset and a constant desire to grow and learn more about our passions. Creative writing classes and workshops are available on college campuses, and thanks to the pandemic, they are also available online, more now than ever. Take advantage of these resources to up your skills to the next level, and you will be surprised how your writing may evolve if given a chance. Something else to consider is examining the market of your target audience.

Determine who your audience will be and what kind of books you want to write. Not sure? Try different things on for size to see what best fits you. Again, you may find that a writing workshop would be the perfect way to help you find out. As I previously mentioned, the internet will be your dear friend in reaching that target audience once you have discovered the who’s and what’s of your ideal market. Social media platforms will be a go-to for branding yourself as an author. Collecting followers can be easily done by involving yourself with viral trends.

Remember to use every viable opportunity to promote your book, but be creative about it, not pushy or spammy. After all, you are a writer. Creativity is right up your alley, and what better way to put it to use? It should be fun for you and for your followers too.

Remember what I said earlier about having to fund your own publication? With the right following, this can also be a piece of cake that you can have and eat. Crowdfunding is a practical option for artists and authors to share their works to receive support in the form of funds from their fans and followers. These funds are offered as support towards current or future projects, and you can set goals, depending on the platform, in which fans can first-hand participate. Sharing these on your social media pages at high traffic times or during live streams is one way to put you closer to self-publishing your first or a handful of books without breaking the bank.

Beta ReaderGetting the book written is only part of the process. Certain authors find this part is the easiest, yet others may not agree entirely. For that reason, it’s crucial to seek out alpha and beta readers to get your manuscript ready for publication. Successful indie readers know it’s ideal for taking full advantage of both. Just in case you have never heard of these two, they are usually freelance editors and proofreaders, but not nearly as expensive. You may discover willing participants to perform this task for free. Joining writing communities on social media platforms can be a major way to check out someone of interest. Keep in mind that sometimes it takes more than a few tries before you find the right ones for the job: the more, the merrier in this case. Reddit is a fairly well-established website of communities willing to offer valuable expertise.

After several reviews and revisions, once your book is ready for publishing, it’s time to pick the best publishing platform for you. Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), Barnes & Noble Press, IngramSpark, and Smashwords are just a few of the best platforms for indie authors. You will find these websites full of helpful resources and awesome tools to aid you through the entire process. In addition, several make it a breeze for authors by providing ISBN numbers and tools to format manuscripts and distribute to retailers. Finding the best platform for your publishing needs will depend entirely on you, therefore doing your homework on the site of your choice helps to make the top decision.

Tony Robbins said it best: “There is no such thing as failure, only results.” After that, the rest is in your hands to fulfill. When things don’t happen fast enough for us, we tend to get worried and doubtful. A worthy bit of advice from Benjamin Franklin, “If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail.” If you don’t see those immediate results after releasing your first book, just keep writing and try again next time. You will find writers along the way who say they don’t do it for the money and others that have made a lucrative living from their literary talents. However, the real rewards come from independently publishing your books, bringing your penwork to life, and releasing every word into the world for all to enjoy.

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