Penning the book

Write 1,000 words a day: Using Affirmations and Meditation to Make Writing a Habit

Writer’s block is a common ailment among writers. Unfortunately, it doesn’t matter if you’re an indie author or working with a publisher; it can still strike at any time. The good news is that the cure is simple: write 1,000 words each day for 21 days in a row, and it will become your new habit!

How can you make sure that you stick to this goal? Affirmations and meditation are two great tools that can help. Affirmations are statements of positive belief, while meditation is a practice that enables you to focus and connect with your inner thoughts and feelings. Together, they can help keep you on track and focused on your writing goals.

Brightly Colored Post It Notes With Positive Affirmations.

Affirmations work best if you have a clearly defined goal, so for this exercise, we suggest that your goal is to write at least one book a year. Not only does it help with writer’s block and keep the writing momentum going, but it also gives you something specific to focus on as an indie author.

If you’d like, you can also create a mantra to help keep you focused. A mantra is a short phrase or sentence that you repeat over and over as a way of focusing your thoughts and keeping them on track. For example, “I can do this” or “I am a writer.” You can come up with your own, or use one of the following three mantras to help you write 1000 words a day:

“I can write 1000 words today.”

“This is my writing time, and I am going to focus on my work.”

“I will not allow myself to be distracted; I am here to write.”

Once you have your mantra in place, you can use it during your meditation to help keep yourself focused. Like affirmations, there are different types of mediation, but mindfulness meditation is the best one for this exercise (also known as insight or Vipassana meditation).


What’s great about mindfulness meditation is that unlike some other forms of meditating where you focus on a mantra or a certain object, with mindfulness, you simply focus on your breath. This helps to keep you grounded in the present moment and allows you to focus better on your writing goals.

To start, find a quiet place where you can sit undisturbed for at least 20 minutes. Once settled, close your eyes and begin to focus on your breath. As you inhale, say to yourself, “I am focusing on my breath,” and as you exhale, say, “I am here to write.” Repeat this mantra for the duration of your meditation.

If thoughts pop into your head, don’t worry! Simply acknowledge them and then let them go. The key is not to get attached to them and instead focus on your breath. If you find yourself getting frustrated or overwhelmed, that’s okay too. Just acknowledge those feelings and then return your focus to your breath.

In time, you will find that by meditating for just 20 minutes each day, you will be better able to stay focused on your writing goals. Don’t forget to reward yourself once you have met your daily goal!

At Indie Author Resources, our goal is to help make these next 21 days of writing 1,000 words a success. We want to help you create that habit to help you become a successful writer. Our contribution is to create a daily video with twenty minutes of guided meditation and affirmations to help you gain the proper mindset for writing.

We would love to know what you think about this endeavor, so please leave us a comment and let us know. And if you have any questions about this challenge or about writing in general, don’t hesitate to ask! We are here to help.

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