Top 10 Useful Products for Writers
Writing is a gift, and something done with passion, however, doing it consistently well, is something you must learn and maintain. There are tools that can help improve your quality as a writer, and we’ve scoured Amazon and asked our readers for their favorites so we can pass them on to you.
The 3 Best Methods for Convincing Yourself to Write When You Don’t Feel Like It
If you are reading this article, you’re likely struggling to find the motivation to write. It’s not always easy to do creative writing when you don’t feel like it. A lot of people struggle with this concept. In this post, we’ll share some tips that can help you get started when you don’t feel like it. For starters, take a moment and reflect on what you’re feeling right now. Is it stress? Is it apathy? Or is it a medical condition? If your feelings are the product of a medical condition, then make sure to discuss this with a doctor. However, if your feelings are the product of stress or…
List Your Indie Author Book for FREE
Are you an indie author looking to have your book(s) featured in our library of indie literature? We want you, the independent author, to have your self-published book listed on the Books by Indies website. We will showcase new releases each month and help readers find your work. Fill out the form to start the process.
10 Ways to Sell 100 Books in 2 Months
Are you a writer who is struggling to sell their books? Have you been trying to make your book known, but there just aren’t enough readers out there? Do people know about your book, but they don’t buy it because of the price tag? This blog post will show you how to find and connect with more readers on social media. You can even set up author events or giveaways that will help get those sales rolling in! There are many ways that you can sell 100 books in 2 months. Here are our top 10 ways: 1) Use Social Media Social media can be a great way to connect…
10 Ways to Launch a Book for Less Than $500
Book launches are an important part of any book promotion strategy. They can be expensive, though, and sometimes it’s hard to figure out how to do them on a budget. Here are ten ways to launch a book for less than $500: 1. Create a Facebook event and invite all your friends. 2. Promote the launch on social media with links to purchase or pre-order the book. 3. Send out an email blast to your newsletter subscribers, letting them know about the upcoming release date, and offer a special discount code for those who want to buy it now. 4. Give away prizes for pre-orders. 5. Create a free giveaway…
Don’t Publish Your Book Without Editing and Designing
Why is it Important to Hire an Editor and Designer for Your Book? The publishing industry is evolving at a rapid pace, which means that the rules for publishing are constantly changing. If you want to make sure your book is successful, it has to be well-written and edited, look great, and sound great. If you are looking to publish your own book, make sure you hire an editor and designer. It is important that your book not only looks great but sounds great too. Hiring a professional book editor will help ensure your book reads well. They will also help you with any inconsistencies in the manuscript, ensuring that…
10 Tips to Create an Awesome Author Podcast
Have you thought about creating an author podcast? If not, then it’s time to start thinking. Podcasts are a great way to build your authority as an author and share information with your readers that they can’t get anywhere else. In this article, we will discuss 10 tips for making the most of your podcast so that you can create one that is truly awesome! What is a Podcast? A Podcast is a series of audio recordings typically offered on iTunes or audiobook platforms like Audible. Podcasts are one of the most popular ways to consume audio content. They allow niche markets to be served by providing niche-specific content, and…
The Indie Authors’ Anthem
This song is about the journey, the struggles, and the accomplishments of being an Indie Author, which is an author or writer that publishes their own work. Not only do they have to write the book, but they also take on the financial responsibility of editing, formatting, publishing, and marketing the book all with the hope that it will one day become successful. This song is about hope, faith, perseverance, and the rewards that will come from staying the course. They may feel like giving up because the journey is long and hard, but they should never quit.
How to Become a Successful Indie Author
Have you ever heard the term – Indie Author? Do You know what an indie author is? Well, let us help you get a clearer understanding. An Indie author, also known as a self-published author, publishes their work without the assistance of any established press. Indie authors are often responsible for editing, distributing, and marketing their books. What Is an Indie Author Anyway? An indie author or self-published author publishes their work and retains their publishing rights. The term “Indie Author” is derived from the word – Independent Author. Now, writers who publish their work through independent publishers are not indie authors since they do not publish their work themselves.…
All About Self-Publishing
Self-publishing is the publication of media by its authors without the presence of a traditional publisher. The term self-publishing generally refers to written media, such as books and magazines — either as an eBook or as physical copies employing POD (print on demand) technology. Over the past 20 years, the market for self-publishing has changed, and new self-publishing technologies are providing increased alternatives to traditional publishing or the “professionally published book.” Most self-published books only sell very limited copies, but those selling large volumes are newsworthy because they are rare. The quality of self-published books varies considerably because there are no barriers to self-publishing and no quality controls except what…